Evanix Rex-P 50 Caliber Hunting Pistol – The Rex pistol is a powerful pistol. Don’t let its small size fool you. This pistol packs a punch. Break it down by unscrewing the tank and easily fits in a backpack. (You need to remove the rail and loosen the set screw before taking off the tank) Take some extra tanks with you and you will have enough shots for a day of hunting. The Rex pistol is lightweight and comfortable to shoot. This pistol is an under-lever action and cocks with ease.
Evanix Rex-P 50 Caliber:
– Up to 120.92 FPE (554.6 FPS) with the 177 grain Hunter Supply Round Ball
– Up to 132.38 FPE (567.6 FPS) with the 185 Hunter Supply Hollow Point Slug
– Up to 156.34 FPE (457.7 FPS) with the 336 grain Hunter Supply Flat Point Slug
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